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Jean-Robert Pasche, Écrivain, Analyste de rêves, Chercheur
Fondateur du Centre International d'Études et de Recherche sur les Rêves (1984)
Fondation Jean-Robert Pasche ( Fondation à but non lucratif )

Case postale: 473, code postal: 1211, Genève 13, Suisse

Courrier électronique:  

Quatre ouvrages disponibles:

  • Une vie de rêves - Éditions Vie, France - Éditions Centrerêves  

  • L'appel divin des rêves - Éditions St Honoré, Paris, France

  • Les rêves ou la connaissance intérieure - Éditions Vie, France - Éditions Buchet/Chastel - Éditions Centrerêves

  • "Être" selon ses rêves - Éditions Vie, France - Éditions Buchet/Chastel - Éditions Centrerêves

En librairie ou sites internet : . . . . MoreBooks 
Ou commande directe à l’auteur (avec réduction). Pour infos:  

«The Divine Call of Dreams»
L'appel divin des rêves

Éditions Vie et Éditions St-Honoré, France - Éditions Centrerêves

The Divine Call of Dreams

Nowadays, there is no key to dreams which develops the real sense of dreamlike messages. Only the human being himself holds his own key with its inherent solutions. What is a dream? Most people do not know what a dream is exactly and the deep value that it can reflect. 

Jean-Robert Pasche, writer, interpreter and analyst of dreams and founder of the International Center of Dream Study and Research in 1984 in Geneva, Switzerland, is the author of two important and fundamental books concerning this fascinating subject : “Dreams or Inner Knowledge” (Publishers Buchet/Chastel, France) and “‘Being’ according to ones dreams” (Publishers Buchet/Chastel, France).


Every night we enter into the action of a dream which allows us, depending on our personal openness, to understand the sense of life in the universe. The dreams are within us and they reveal to us our inner personality, bringing a source of incredible discovery and richness. 
So, dear reader, dream on and enter into this extraordinary world ...

Book in digital version, in pdf version.
Book in paper version.

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«Dreams or Inner Knowledge»
Les rêves ou la connaissance intérieure
Éditions Vie, France

All the ancient civilizations attributed a symbolic profound, incommensurable value to dreams. Today, while the dream-state is recognized as the privileged path affording access to the inconscious, the public at large is all too often unaware that it reveals to us our inner divinity, which is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, creativeners and enriching experience.

This is the original feature of the book by Jean-Robert Pasche “Les Rêves ou la Connaissance Intérieure” (Dreams or Inner Knowledge) (Editions Vie, France), which is the result of 30 years’ work, study and research devoted to highlighting this extraordinary investigative method and its ability to answer our every query to make us understand our place within the Universe. 

Jean-Robert Pasche’s book goes beyong its mere therapeutic objective and opens up potential areas for personal research that will give more than one of his readers the urge to dream and through dreaming to understand…

In bookshops and on the Internet
Same author: “To be” according to his dreams


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“To be” according to his dreams
"Être" selon ses rêves
Éditions Vie, France - Éditions Buchet/Chastel - Éditions Centrerêves

“To be” according to his dreams is Jean-Robert Pasche's most important work. Fundamental, going of the main part, it is situated in the center of the universal thought, directing the life of the being in the considerable and deep ways of the humanity. With the publication of his first book, Les rêves ou la connaissance intérieure (Dreams or inner knowledge), the author, dream analyst and founder of the International Center for Dream Study and Research, in Geneva, contents not only with asserting, but he also shows and explains the functioning of the permanent game of the inner relation of the individual towards his environment and towards the universe, using thousand lived testimonies.

Nowadays no key of the dreams develops the real sense of the dreamlike message. Only the Being holds in him his own key with the solutions which are inherent to him. The original return towards its unconscious forms is an inner and initiatory journey. The dreamer is so in front of himself in his dreams and he has the faculty to discover the mystery of the life.

To help Beings to understand themselves is not only a human necessity, but the unique experience through all the others, the Being looks for it passionately since always.

Same author: Dreams or innner knowledge.

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